
Get to know your colleagues using questions and answers. It’s that simple.

What's an uncanny, weird, or unexplained thing that has happened in your life?
What does this question teach me about myself and others?


Improved Communication and Understanding
You’ll learn the communication styles of your colleagues which will help you understand how best to work together.
Tighter Bonds == Lower Turnover
People who are closer to their colleagues stay at their jobs longer.
Quality of Life
People who are closer to their colleagues report a higher quality of life.
More Fun
Socializing and getting to know one another is fun. You learn something, they learn something, and you’ll find yourself having more positive moments.

When we know each other better, we work BetterTogether.

Around 10 years ago I co-founded Otelic, a company who’s mission was “Happiness at work”. My co-founders and I had all experienced less than ideal company cultures and wondered if there was anything we could do. We wanted to help companies develop and nurture healthy company cultures. It turned out to be a hard problem. So hard that we ultimately decided to focus on helping companies shine a light on their culture rather than trying to "fix" their culture. We created “Instagram for work”, enabling companies to show off their culture. In the end life took us in different directions, but the problem space stuck with me.

There is no one great company culture. People are different and value different things. Values even change over time. Some may start out wanting to win at any cost and then switch to live/work balance once they have a family. Some may want to work remote, others in an office. Some may value security, others risk and reward. Regardless of where anyone stands it feels obvious to me that when we know each other better, we work better together.

With that in mind I explored many ideas over the years. BetterTogether was initially conceived as a personal relationship app. You use a dating app to find someone and BetterTogether to have a healthy relationship with them. That dream still lives on but the start needed to be simpler. That simpler place turned out to be a BetterTogether for teams with Q&A as the focus. If knowing each other better helps us work better together, how do we get to know each other better? The same way we get to know anything, we ask questions and pay attention to the answers.

I think you’ll be surprised how effective BetterTogether’s Q&A is. You can skip questions you don’t want to answer and add questions you do want to answer. It’s simple, effective, and fun. I hope it exceeds your expectations and that you’ll let me know either way.

Thank you,